Sing ~ Worship ~ Eat ~ Ride

Many times it seems it is only when we are thrown a major curve ball of a worldwide pandemic that we humans begin to realize what’s truly important in our lives. Don’t we? Amid the lost jobs, homeschooling breakdowns, restricted movement, and lingering death are we clinging to the Words of Truth, or are we too busy being angry and panicked at the state of affairs. In my limited travels about town for food, necessities, and, yes, checking on my horses, I find that people in general are disgruntled customers darting around seeping suspicious tensions , snatching items, and driving crazy. But, when I really stop and thoughtfully look at each one I see a deep fear and huge discontent with having to give up their “normal” life to deal with this mess. The uncertainty of “not having enough provisions” and losing control coupled with the possibility of being unable to pay for all of the possessions, streams thickly in the air . In my heart, mind, and soul, I fight everyday to not go down that road leading to self preservation and panic, but the fear is real. As I have pondered how we humans are handling this new reality, I’ve realized something that’s really important to me. I miss my Latigo Cowboy Church family. We meet every Monday night around 7:15 pm to sing our hearts out in worship to God, hear good preaching, pray, talk about missions, check on each other, fellowship while sharing a pot luck meal. Many bring their horses to ride in the covered arena before and after the service. Well, we met together until Covid-19 changed all of our lives, so now, in compliance with state requirements to social distance, the service of music and preaching is held on Facebook Live. I never thought I would say that I am so thankful for social media, but to still sing and worship God even if it is online is a blessing. I tell you, though, I miss seeing my Cowboy Church families faces, getting hugs, hearing the kids sing and play instruments of praise, shouts of Amens and Halleluiahs in praise of God’s Word, praying together, and the laughter of genuine camaraderie has brightened my week for a few years now. I have realized during this time apart that I took the time of meeting together for granted. No matter what life dished out each week, I look forward to Latigo Cowboy Church on Monday nights because this worship, the prayers, the people, the songs, the presence of the Holy Spirit lifts me up to get through the chaos of the next week instead of adding to my chaos.The effort to meet online keeps us connected. But, Wow, I can’t wait to see everybody in person, give a hug, and let them know how much I truly appreciate and love them. While Jesus teaches the importance of Christians meeting together, I am reminded there is something more important He desires during this time of isolation. It’s a call to spend your Personal Time with Jesus developing a new or stronger daily relationship, to Renew your Personal relationship with God, seek the Holy Spirit within, and get back to the quiet rest of introspective worship. So, during this time rather than focus on what you might lose, what you can’t do, who you can’t see, Focus on building Relationship with the one who Created you and see everything else fall into place. Sing, Worship, Eat, & Ride with Jesus today. Just you and the Savior!

2 Questions: “What is truly important in your life TODAY?” & “Who can You BLESS today?”

“Blessed we truly are! Even as the uncertainties swirl around us, Blessed we truly are”! ~ Donna Pool

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