Spiritual Son Rises

church, sunrise, sky
Sunrise of Promise
Photo Credit: Pixabay

A new day dawns outside the empty church

A cross stands proudly against the sky

The soaring hawk reflects the beauty of the moment

Light radiates through the dark earth for the Son has Risen

Rise up Sons and Daughters of God for your Spiritual Journey awaits. ~Donna Pool

Easter Sunday is the one day out of each year the most people attend church, even those who don’t go to church on a regular basis. Easter Sunday is the day to go to seek forgiveness, find God, spend time with family, and/or get a religious experience for the year. As I pondered this photo, I was struck by the thought that Today, on this Easter Sunday morning in 2020, this church would be empty of all people due to Covid-19 restrictions. However, this is not disastrous nor sad for the significance and the beauty of the moment is still the same. It’s not about the building. It’s about the message: Christ still died on the cross and Rose from the dead just as promised + all for my Salvation. So, on this sacred day let us remember Hope came alive and God’s Promise was kept to the people. While those who are steeped in the ways of God, His Word, constant Prayer life; it is easy to just spend Easter Sunrise alone with God as the Son rises in our Spirits. But, what about those who need guidance to find their God in the midst of crisis. It is time to rise up with Christ and reach out to those in need on this Easter Sunday. I entreat you to reflect on the fact that many times our feelings of emptiness are not necessarily from lack of things or a full building of people. It’s more about being Spiritually empty within and not knowing how to sate that hunger. Each day that dawns is a chance to rise again in His name and continue our spiritual journey with the one who walked the earth before our time, traveled dusty roads to teach us how to be good, kind, and compassionate, lived through suffering, torture, pain, and rejection of the people He came to save, died a horrible death for the sins of all while feeling abandoned by His Father, but who also fulfilled a Promise by Rising From Death. Daughters and Sons of Christ arise and reach out in prayer, by phone, or send a card of encouragement to the lonely, sick, sad, angry, lost, hungry, spiritually asleep, and especially to those friends, family, and neighbors who may miss the only day of the year they seek God in 2020. Remember we all have the opportunity to Arise anew in Christ every day for each new sunrise is another chance to follow through, start again, renew, and restore ourselves to the Son who Rises with us throughout life. So seize this day for Your Spiritual journey is waiting.

“We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him. According to the Lord’s own Word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep…. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore, encourage each other with these words.” 1 Thessalonians 4:14,15,17,18 (NIV)

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