Lamenting Expressions

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January 2, 2019 Good Morning Precious Lord, I am Yours, Jesus and You are mine. I love you and thank you for your army angels of protection surrounding me and my family. I am thankful for your healing grace to allow me to sing and speak even though my right vocal chord is now paralyzed. I thank you for saving my life. Teach me to look beyond your earthly world to your bigger picture, your dreams, your hopes, your desires, your missions, and lead me to where you need me to be the hands and feet of Christ right now, today. I ask for your strength, your perseverance in the face of adversity, your calm endurance as you climbed the hill to the cross where you would die for me. I am weary. I pray for the salvation of my family, the world, your people and a peace that passes all understanding. Teach me how to keep going. Jesus, you took me to Lamentations 2:19-22 “Arise, cry out in the night, as the watches of the night begin; pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up hands to Him for the lives of your children who faint from hunger (spiritual hunger) at the head of every street… ” and I fervently pray that you protect us all from the enemy who comes to kill and destroy our children, our families, your teachings, our health, your world. A simple quick prayer is not what you’re looking for right now is it, God? We the people, the families, the nations, the world should lament for a relenting of the onslaught in the midst of us and appeal to your compassion just as Jeremiah did. So, just what is a lament: an expression of suffering and/or loss; great sorrow, deep regret, grief in the form of weeping loudly, wailing, gnashing, crying out on our knees; a pouring out of heart and soul; a powerful artistic form of writing, poetry, even movement in dance or a mournful dirge. Jeremiah wrote the book of Lamentations in the bible in response to seeing intense suffering of God’s people. In the midst of these sufferings he celebrated God’s faithfulness and unfailing love even as he spoke of the sin, waywardness, and straying people. All the while Jeremiah is lamenting for the people begging God to Restore and Renew. I see now! I need to lament. I need to lament for the addiction, generations of addiction in my family, for my son, and for all the people in the world who’ve gone astray from following their hardest temptations into the sin dens instead of turning to the only one who can save them, You, Jesus. Teach me to lament for those in throes of addiction, for my family, for healing, and for the restoration of who you created us all to be. In your name, Jesus, I pray to the Father in Heaven. Amen I Love You, Donna

I wrote this letter in January 2019. Little did I know that one year later the world would be in the middle of a pandemic and the USA shutdown by April 2020, for the most part. Maybe it’s time the world, we the people, you and I write our own Prayer of Lament to our Father in Heaven for mercy, forgiveness, restoration, a reset, and healing for our nation, all people, and the whole world . Today, we all need to be a Jeremiah. Peace Be With You!

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