Unconditional Moments

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” The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance (saved by forgiveness).” 2 Peter 3:9
It takes some people longer than others to learn from mistakes; no need to point them out repeatedly.

One of the hardest things to do in life is to push our “self” to the side and engage, authentically, in the lives of others. Why? Because it’s Hard work. It takes slowing down in life to be able to see and feel what’s going on behind the mask of family, friends, children, coworkers, addicts, neighbors. It may involve disagreements and arguments until the Truth is finally owned. Perhaps unconditional love and trust have been broken and healing is needed to restore a relationship. Many times the excuse that there’s not enough time right now to deal with “it” is used. There will never Be enough time. You must Make time. In this fast paced world where higher value is placed on how big your house is, what kind of car you drive, whether you carry a Gucci purse, or getting that next promotion, caring whether or not someone needs help right at this moment, unconditional of time, is irrelevant. There are so many fake people in the world because it’s easier to paste on a smile to hide the tears, project an overly happy persona to cover up sadness, or push through the pain with a wonder woman attitude. In a selfish world hyper-focused on “what can you do for Me”, most people in need are overly cautious of laying bear their true feelings, especially when constantly reminded all the wrong they’ve done. Yes, it seems everyone always notices the negative things in our lives, but rarely ever the positive. No wonder the world has such anger and hatred going around.

Let’s be the Change of that starting Today. Each moment we are given in life is Sacred and worthy of Unconditional Love of Someone whose Past Mistakes have paved a long road. They feel enough shame without the constant reminder. By taking the time to be in the moment with someone, unconditionally, in a positive way, we have the ability to break barriers and cycles and forge a way to forgiveness, healing, and genuine relationship. None of us are perfect and we’ve all made mistakes we wish no one knew about, but, Today, we can be the catalyst of grace filled care for someone to leave the mistakes and unworthy feelings behind. Who in Your Life Needs a Positive Word, Time, Action,Patience, or an Unconditional Moment from you?

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