Sensible Approach

Credit: Voice Through Christ Ministries (facebook)

In life there is no way to avoid mistreatment in some way. It’s not always in the extreme like road rage, an addicts justification for using, or rioters burning down your business. Many days it’s in the smallest ways like when a grocery store cashier snaps at you like an alligator, a moody teenager complaining all the way to school it’s all your fault their cleanly washed shoes aren’t dry, or perhaps the last person that drove your truck left it completely on empty when you have to drive to work early in the morning. Yes, sometimes rudeness is in our actions. It perpetuates on to the next victim through us if we give in and become angry, highly offended, hurling our own insults, or refuse to seize an opportunity to stop and look at what’s going on in the bigger picture. No, I’m not saying we should tolerate any type of abuse, nor am I saying we should meekly cower rather than stand up for what we believe. I’m saying if we don’t allow it to control us (our emotions) we find a way out of the situation through peaceful kindness, live a better life, and are able to smile as we become determined to maintain a sensible approach to daily living, mistreatment and all.

Remember the old saying, “Nobody’s going to steal my joy today!” Some days it just needs to become our prayer and mantra.

When we embrace the opportunity to see Christ in all our lives we see deeper, hidden meanings behind the rudeness. Refuse to be Offended at the Insult – Choose to Smile in the face of it instead and you will find the situation diffused and a calmer day ahead.

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