True Two

(Photo Credit: Unknown
1+1 = 2 different & unique yet bonded together to form one; to verify as witnesses; to help the helpless, to be there for one another when one falls, makes mistakes, is tempted without judgement; to celebrate victories together; to pray for each other. Bonded together as One to Worship One True God – Find them

As a horse person sometimes you just know that a partnership between you and the horse you just bought is not going to work out; think oil and water, the mix is never going to blend. You didn’t see it coming, but as time goes by you realize your gut feel, your intuition, your knowing is never wrong. It’s the same with people, friends, jobs, relationships, and even churches. Sometimes we have to step back and reassess the direction of our life and evaluate what needs to happen in order to get on our right life path whether it’s change, to readjust, or to just plainly start over. Life doesn’t look the same for everyone and sometimes we get off path, don’t know where to turn, who to call, or what to do. Just as God created us differently; He created the perfect match in life to walk with us. It’s not just about who we marry, where we work, or who we date. The one thing that makes hard decisions work well is to put God first in all matters and people in your life and follow His lead. Your one true friend, prayer warrior, church group, partner, and Horse will appear when you least expect it. By adding faithful daily conversation with the Divine to your life, things start to fall into place even amid the storms of this world. The Holy One begins to send the right people, the right animals, the right place into your path to help you in this deadly world at the right time when we need them the most. Pray about it and then Watch For It!

God never meant for us to walk through this chaos alone. Find your one true worship and prayer Friend, Church, &/or Family, then let Go of all the Rest.

Now, Hug your dog, squirrel, horse, or other anmial thanking them for appearing in your life to teach you great lessons, lending their fur to cry upon, and for loving you unconditionally; then be the One for someone unable to help themselves, Today!.

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