Today is Not Yesterday

Yesterday ruffled my feathers. Little things mounted up from sun up to sundown, and I was so exhausted I got in bed by 7 pm.

I realized this blog post the Lord spoke to me for today was for me and you who need to hear this. As I heard the words “Today is Not Yesterday,” I smiled because God knows exactly all about my yesterday.

As I was left my doctor’s office to drive to the hospital for a test she ordered, she looked at me and said, “Sometimes we have to just wing it until we get all of the answers.” Then, as I was walking out of the hospital, the nurse and I were talking about life’s unexpected ups and downs, and she said, “I hope things get better for you and until then just wing it.” I gave her a thumbs up, a thank you, and went on my merry way. I then saw a long-time horse friend who was truly a blessing amid uncertainty.

Just wing it! The wings of my guardian angel are probably ragged from trying to keep up with me, but one thing I know for sure. I am loved, I am protected, God sees our pain, and hears our cries for relief. He already knows the outcome. Until the answers are revealed to me, I will abide under His wings in faith and the assurance that He always wants what’s right for each of us. Today is Not Yesterday! So I’m just going to wing it with a smile on my face.

Hide me in the shadow of Your wings. Psalm 17:8

Artist Credit Unknown

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