Soul Work

Valor in and of itself is nothing without the soul work that develops your spirit towards holiness. It is then just deeds without meaning and depth.

It is easy to be a martyr and work hard, but never having time for God, your family, helping others in need, or trying to understand those in the throes of addiction or mental illness falls short. It is not easy to do the right thing most of the time. It takes an active personal relationship with Jesus to succeed.

Great, rare souls are developed with God at the helm and Jesus’ personal strength in the heart. Holiness always goes before the deed.

Horses and other animals have a way of touching us to the depths of our souls just like God will if we ask for it. The unconditional love shown is profound.

Don’t settle for the worlds version of Valor. Allow your faith, strength gained from God, and personal relationship with Jesus to develop your spirit in truth.

After all, you are uncommon and a rare precious jewel made in the image of God who knows great valor and shows great, unconditional love. Do the soul work.

Mark 12

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