Brave Choices

The easiest thing to do in life is hide our true selves and fit in so we go unnoticed and unheard. The other side of easy is to be so demeaning and harmfully outspoken that what should be healing words become disruptive instead, which leads to critical critiques so much so that all who cross our paths receive a scathing set down, a large spew of hatred, and a pointing of fingers that have little to do with them, but speaks volumes about You; Us. Neither of these sides are productive, promote unity, instill harmony, nor heal relationships. Both of these easy sides render ourselves and everyone around us snappy, critical, and unhappy. In a time where navigating daily life is way too difficult, disruptive, and sensitive the least you can do for yourself and others is RIP off the fake mask and embrace your whole being of holy creation. It starts with good choices, uplifting words, and it doesn’t happen overnight. Positive attitudes, Positive mind sets, Positive way of living is a process that we could all do well to spend time embracing. Being Positive, Authentic, Honest, and Real has nothing to do with holding your tongue on the things you believe in. It’s the delivery that gets us in trouble.

We cannot control all things in life, but we can control our responses. It takes thought, work, and effort on our part. It’s not easy. It’s like being/becoming a trained and disciplined UFC fighter in responsible thoughts and responses vs an impulsive response of flailing arms and provoked words. And, always remember, no human is perfect, especially to the degree that we may think we ourselves are. Show some grace. Those who really rub us the wrong way need our grace not unfettered dissertation’s nor total agreement just for the sake of keeping peace. A graceful Response with healing words and a joyful heart can diffuse bombastic speech thereby transforming a situation in a conscious discussion and not giving up who you really are, what you believe, how you see life. It Takes Work. Don’t take the easy way out in life.

Like a delicate rosebud that takes time, patience, the right light, dew drops of moisture, and nurturing care for the unfurling bud to fully open into a beautiful rose, each petal is placed to open at the right time. Spend some time with holy to discern where you are and where you need to be to embrace your authentic, honest, and real life self. It will be worth your time and effort.

Be brave. Step into your authentic Divine life of owning who you are created to be. Your time to blossom is now. It’s a process. Show yourself some grace and give yourself time. The choice is yours. Holy Peace, Forgiveness, Sincerity, and Happiness in who you really are created to become is waiting on you.

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7

Credit Brene Brown

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