Blessings Don’t Cost Money

If Divine is generous with the Blessings of Grace and Mercy for each of us, why is it so hard for us to, in turn, grant those blessings to others? It doesn’t cost anything monetarily. Yes, it may aggravate our pride, our judgmental humanness, and/or our grandiose ideas we have inserted into living life, but doing so grants an opening of mutual respect. As well, blessings of grace and mercy do not mean you will be in agreement with someone else nor them with you nor do they belittle your beliefs and faith. Rather these blessings lend the opportunity for forgiveness. It will give you peace of mind and strengthens your faith. It will allow for healing and acceptance. It will elevate your quality of life here on earth as the wars rage on around you. If God chooses this path for me; I choose this for others.

Extend the Blessings Divine so freely extends to you on a daily basis. Amid the hate wars, the miscommunications, the political battles, the neighborhood dramas, the school inconsistencies, and all the many relationship woes that cover our world today, the least and most effective contribution each of us can make on this earth is to extend the Blessings of Grace and Mercy along with Forgiveness. Start today!

“Yet, the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore He will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of Justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him!” Isaiah 30:18 Jesus lived a life of compassion, extending grace and mercy to all, and gave His life for all to be forgiven. In His timing we can, you can, follow in His footsteps = search for the real Jesus within.

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