Purpose Filled

Have you asked God to lead you to your purpose on earth, to help you nurture your vows, and to show you how you can be of service? Each means something different, yet are all tied together.

Many years ago, God told me my purpose was to write. That can be translated many different ways, but for me, He specifically said to blog His Word daily, especially on social media, which is very secular. I have tried to fulfill that purpose and have realized this week that I’m in an area where my phone/wifi service is terrible to non-existent.

I’ve let anxiety about not being able to post allow me to give it up for a few days because nothing I tried has worked. Then, this morning, as I prayed about it, God told me I just needed to be deliberate and keep writing. He gives me daily Word to share, and when the time is right, He will orchestrate what needs to happen. He explained that finally, after all of these years, I have become purpose filled according to Holy and not the world. Wow!

I believe we are all a deliberate creation by God for a specific purpose at some point in our lives. It is a process. It takes time, faith, trust, and effort. It is freeing from the evil surrounding us all. Ask for yours. Nurture it and learn.

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21

We are born with a holy purpose filled heart. Embrace it.

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