Light Up Your Life

While God used festivals and feasts to gather the people together and teach them about His character, Jesus used the elements and symbols from the feasts to help the people understand Who He Is and What He Offers. These feasts served to allow people to gather together to remember, recall, reminisce, and learn. While attending …

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Character Assessment

What do you think of when you assess the character of a person? Aren’t there certain attributes like trust and honesty that you look for when buying something of value from someone? And, how about those internal feelings you get when you first meet someone or walk into a crowded room? Good vibes, Bad feeling, …

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Freedom is Not Free

Today, we remember those who died fighting for our continued freedom in this country. As well, let us never forget who died to save the world thereby freeing us from the enemies grasp that daily pulls us into the path of sin, fear, chaos, addiction, or whatever tears you and this country down. Step Away …

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Make the Connection

Remember a few days ago when I posted about the Fibonacci (spiral) Sequence (that show’s up in nature and our cells), and how Moses built the Ark of the Covenant (God’s indwelling) to house the 10 Commandments based on God’s instructions using this mathematical sequence? This Tabernacle (tent) housed the law of the presence of …

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The Hum of Sacred

The universal communication of God is not limited to human languages. Don’t limit your deep understanding of our Divine Creator to just words, whether read, spoken, sung, or heard. From the thankful peeps of a rescued baby bird to the wind rustling through the forest leaves there is a certain whisper of a lesson waiting …

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To Gather ~ Together

Something happens every Spring by the lake that doesn’t happen any other time of the year – new life, new flowers, new leaves, and, the most exciting of all, the new babies. It’s like nature knows, without being told, that it’s time to come to life. At dusk, a fox and her kits can be …

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The Nature of Life

The Fibonacci (spiral) Sequence is One of the most famous mathematical formulas and has been called “Nature’s Secret or Universal Code”. It is said to govern the dimensions of everything from building the Great Pyramids to the intricate coiling of octopus tentacles. Spiral arrangements show up in nature from rose petals to the galaxies to …

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A Matrix of Crosses

“In the Lord’s hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all humankind.” Job 12:10 (ESV) I became interested in the study of cells, DNA, familial diseases, etc. when I was diagnosed with a rare, incurable lung disease, Sarcoidosis, over 5 years ago. Without going into great biological details about how …

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We are all “working” towards Becoming something in this life whether it’s building a successful career, striving to be the best horseperson, sacrificing personal dreams for the kids, President of the U.S.A., Olympic gymnast, retire to the forest… Whatever it is you aspire to accomplish – Does your hard work to “Become” align with your …

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