Lonely Hearts

Credit The Soul Doctor

When we are lonely it’s very easy to become self judging instead of looking inward to the Holy Spirit for answers to our feelings. The tendency to question the “why” of life’s unfairness, diseases, violence, lack of relationship points us in the direction of assuming everyone else we know has everything in life they want and need without loneliness. It is a time we take our eyes off of God and point fingers at ourselves with accusations of being unworthy, not trying hard enough, or seemingly unlovable. However, through God’s eyes nothing is further from the truth and He longs to spend time with each of us. Every human being on earth gets lonely sometimes. Loneliness occurs after loss of a loved one, tragedies, chronic illness, old age. Many times it creeps up on us at a point when we are over stressed, over worked, over sensitized, or all of these. We can even feel lonely in a room full of coworkers, family, friends, and even church services. Why is that? Perhaps our spirit needs are not being met, but we must remember other humans and activities cannot truly fulfill a longing within our very soul. Only the one who created us can fully do that. Maybe it’s time Revive our spirits with the Holy Spirit.

Have you ever asked God about your feelings of loneliness? Instead of beating yourself up, lapsing into depression, relapsing with drugs or alcohol, or resorting to unhealthy living Stop, Pause, Take your Self out of the way, and open up your heart to the Divine. Listen for healing words of wisdom to flow.

Your Heart will thank you and God will rejoice.

A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.” John 16:32 NIV

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