Unconditional Moments

One of the hardest things to do in life is to push our “self” to the side and engage, authentically, in the lives of others. Why? Because it’s Hard work. It takes slowing down in life to be able to see and feel what’s going on behind the mask of family, friends, children, coworkers, addicts, …

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Sensible Approach

In life there is no way to avoid mistreatment in some way. It’s not always in the extreme like road rage, an addicts justification for using, or rioters burning down your business. Many days it’s in the smallest ways like when a grocery store cashier snaps at you like an alligator, a moody teenager complaining …

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That Thin Line

Pay attention to who you listen to in your circle of life. Are family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, groups, leaders in the world Confident but Kind? Do they put you or others in hard situations first even though tough decisions must be made in order to restore order? Even when you disagree, do you still trust …

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Be Bold

God has seen it all, heard it all, and Forgiven It All. Don’t be afraid to ask God the hard questions. “The groans of the dying rise from the city, and the souls of the wounded cry out for help. But God charges no one with wrongdoing.” Job 24:12 Jesus the Person lived through hell …

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Fly High Above the Darkness

Eagles will fly fearlessly into the strong winds of a storm in order to be aerodynamically thrust higher by the current to escape harms way and soar above the dark storm clouds and heavy winds. It is here they can lock their wings and glide above all the turmoil. As well, they build their nests …

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Cleansing Waves

This is exactly where it seems we are in today’s world – troubled waters? It is overwhelming the magnitude of lies, destruction, and deception that is coming to light. While it does seem like the waves of deceit are coming in fast and quick Jesus calmed the storm once and He can do it again, …

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Expectantly Waiting

Many times our days are filled with so much “junk” it’s hard to see beyond the hurt, fear, work, rocky relationship, or depressing news to fathom that blessings could be in our future. But, what if we take a different view; like that of a child expectantly waiting for the upcoming birthday surprise. That anticipation …

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The Weapon of Rest

RESTORATIVE ENLIGHTENING SILENCE TACTICAL The gift of Rest restores our well being allowing for moments of clearer pictures amid the times at hand. In the silence of our Spirit, God’s plans form into a well honed weapon in our hearts. Rest provides a Renewed sense of purpose. The enemy would rather us spend our lives …

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Worth Repeating

What Battles do you face today, other than what is going on around you, in this country, in the world, or in your family? Be reminded that forces of evil fight to maintain their strongholds in the dark, and if you buy into it you will be destroyed, too, if you get in the way. …

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Flowing Over

“For just as the sufferings of Christ Flow Over into our lives, so Also through Christ our comfort Overflows.” 2 Cor. 1 (NIV) Flowing over in Love, Compassion, Mercy, Grace, Forgiveness, Doing the Right Thing by All, Health, and Standing Up for Good, Justice, Kindness, and Helping Others = Jesus’ Life. Amid the temptations, betrayals, …

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