Not of Human Hands

Credit Unknown

Relief from day to day stress, lies, deception, confusion, fear, and a plethora of other deep life long difficulties is not truly healed until we go inward. Trying to go inward when distractions abound leave us wanting. It’s important for our own sanity many times to steal away to Mother Nature and be replenished for sometimes we need more than human words or touch. The forest is a magical world of sounds, and wind, and silence. Creation is designed to soothe. The mountains send forth a majestic beauty that takes our breath. Creation is designed to remind us of magnificent. The pull of the oceans depth leads us to playfulness, mists of power, and a dose of salty. Creation is for cleansing, calming, and Relief no human hands can provide. The Divine created Mother Nature with healing powers. The wind carries our prayers and He hears our cries. Let us not forget!

” You have given me relief when I was in distress. Be gracious to me and hear my prayer!” Psalm 4:1

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