He Hears Your Heart

Credit: Inspire Your Beautiful Soul

We all have those days we are so broken, hurt, pained, and drained that we don’t know what to do much less what to pray. I am thankful for a loving God that knows my heart without my uttering any words, sees my struggle and does not judge, eases my way when all hell is breaking loose internally and externally. As I look back over the challenges I’ve overcome in my own life I am absolutely positive that the Holy One intervened, saved, cradled, and protected me through some of my worse days on earth all of which I simply had no words. My life is evident of His saving Grace, Mercy, and Love. He hears your heart when you are unable to utter the first word. Embrace this Joy and know Divine is on your side without judgment, hypocrisy, or ill will. Jesus intercedes on our behalf in the courts of heaven when we don’t know what to say. Refresh your soul today in His name. Divine is Listening.

The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.” Romans 8:26

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