Invisible Essentials

Most of the time, when we think of essentials, it is from a place of seeking tangible survival items. Food, housing, heat, water, and clothing are all examples of life sustaining things of the physical. What about the spirit part of us? It is really more important than the physically tangible things we think of to survive on planet Earth.

I believe humanity has ignored the survival of the Spirit too long, which means Holy Spirit is no longer at the top of the list as essential to life in order to survive in a good and honest way. Yet, in our hearts, we know when something is missing. A person can live in a mansion, drive expensive cars, eat only gourmet food, and another can live simply in a cabin in the woods yet, both lifestyles do not shield from unhappiness, frustrations, lonliness, trauma, boredom, anger, death, or unhealthy physical bodies. Living an abundant life is less about what you own and more about how in touch you are with the Holy Spirit. It lives and breathes within you. It is essential to life. It is relational. It might be invisible to you, but your heart clearly knows it is essential to true life, especially during hard and difficult times.

Can you name some invisible essentials that help you connect with Holy Spirit?

while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18

Artist Unknown

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