After the Raindrops

A Drop of Wisdom; A Splash of Truth
Photo Credit: Pixabay
A Drop of Wisdom; A Splash of Truth
Photo Credit: Pixabay

Recently, I became mesmerized with the raindrops skimming the dark waters of the lake while pondering what I was going to do with my day since my plan of riding my horse clearly wasn’t going to happen. I couldn’t seem to get out of the funk that had settled in my soul so I just decided to sit awhile and meditate with the Lord. I asked how to get past the disappointment of dreary skies and changed plans. As I continued to gaze out over the waters the rain came down harder turning into a huge storm sending ripples of silver drops amid the windy white caps Then the Lord began to teach me. When we take the time to seek the greater meaning in a situation through God’s eyes we open our Spirits to receive His Word for us.

  • What might seem like a small drop of water in the sea of a thousand raindrops from far away, when you look closely you can see just how one drop alone can send waves deep and wide. In the stormy times of life, raindrops plunge into the swaths of darkness sending drops of Truth, Wisdom, and Love in to the deep parts for a replenishing cleanse. Appreciate the deep, the awe, the wonder.
  • Rather than dreariness see the rainy season of our life as the possibilities that lead to embracing change knowing that, like hard times, rains end and the sun shines even if it looks different.
  • Be reminded that God’s beauty always follows the storms of life. Radiate His Words of Truth, Wisdom, and Love.
  • Take care that no matter what is going on in your stormy life right now do not fall into the drowning waters of despair and disappointment or you will miss God’s breathtaking moments waiting to shine through after the storm passes.
  • During the storm find the good, the positive, and seek the cleansing power of Jesus. Be patient.
Raindrops and Rainbows
Raindrops and Rainbows
Photo Credit: Donna Pool

After the rain, the sun graced the earth with warmth against a beautiful blue sky and a vibrant promise came down from Heaven in the form of a beautiful rainbow. Peace settled into my soul. What if I had wallowed in my self pity instead of seeking time with Him. Yes, I would have witnessed a beautiful rainbow that day. But, I would have missed a God moment. I learned something more valuable than rainbows sparkling on the waters that day. Not only do I appreciate rain more now, but when it rains I always remember the day God cleansed away the disappointment replacing it with a replenishing power and a promising rainbow. What is God wanting you to learn today?

“Yet, He has not left Himself without testimony: He shows kindness by giving you rain from heaven, crops in their seasons, provides for you, and fills your hearts with joy.” Acts 14:17 (NIV)