Worship: A Strategy of War

When we gather to worship the enemy is ticked off. If we go just for the great music, dynamic speaker or preacher, fellowship, or programs only, the enemy is not concerned. If we only think about God at Sunday worship and not any other day of the week, the enemy is not concerned. HOWEVER, if we go with a mindset to truly worshipping Holy from the sincerity of our heart the enemy gets nervous. When we Go looking for God the enemy scowls. When we give ourselves over to completely opening up to a Holy encounter every worship service, the enemy is very concerned because he knows his hold on your life is about to be given to God.

Worship is about you and God everyday not just one day of the week. Worship can be in your car on the way to work, in a building with other Christians, at night alone at 2 am, or wherever and whenever you need to make God the leader of your heart stripping the enemy of his stronghold over you. When you gather with others to worship as a community do it for Holy reasons and the enemy is defeated over and over. Worship is Holy. Worship is the best war strategy against your greatest sin that pulls on your heart day after day, time after time. Be it addiction, anger abuse, porn, grief, etc. winning the war is not a quick fix. It’s a life changer. Be patient. Keep going.

Today, it’s time to stop playing at worship and playing with your life. It is time to stop allowing the enemy to keep a foot in the door of your heart. Starting Today declare war against the enemy in your life and win the war with Divine leading the charge. It’s a daily habit to add to your life. Worship is a war strategy. Worship in Prayer and Sincerity in honor of the Holy One.

“The war we fight are not with weapons of this world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” 2 Corinthians 10:4

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