Words Are Not Enough

Faith embodies so much more than the shallowness of mere words. There is this element of complete trust along with an attitude of unconditional love that bubbles up from gratitude, thereby lighting upon everything and everyone in our everyday lives. Faith, in its simpliest form, is the first thought, first reaction, and first response, at the forefront of anything in our lives. It is deep trust. It is forgiveness.  It is confidence in an unseen God who sees everyone and everything. It is worth living your faith out loud so that others are blessed by your light.

Are you living out your faith every day in confidence and trust? Or are you hiding it away deep inside? If words are all of the faith you have, it is time to dig deeper and step out of your comfort zone.

Words alone do not help in times of crisis, emergencies, unexpected occurrences, and amid the chaos of this world. In these times, daily living in faith will carry you through. Go forth, confidently living out your faith every day.

Celebrate this gift God has given, then give it away. Shine your light in faith and courage. Actions always speak louder than words.

For by grace, you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8

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