What Weighs You Down?

Credit Unknown

If we can’t muster up the courage to apologize, forgive, ask for help when we need it or if we continually take offense with every word, then it’s a clear indication there’s more heart work to be done. It’s all pride in some form. Don’t hold on to meaningless emotions. It’s time for meaningful choices. Let go of whatever is holding you captive, keeping you stuck, or driving your unhealthy desires and reach for the outstretched hand of humble wisdom.

Pride, being offended at every little thing, anger, bitter regret, and haughty attitudes will all drag you down as they mount up over time. The weight of this heavy burden is too costly to hold onto. Free yourself from the pit of perfected despair and toss it over the cliff. Jesus is waiting to give you a hand, and it may just be in the form of a trusted friend, a loyal prayer warrior, a child, or even a stranger.

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