What Are You Watching For?

Sky, my Budgie, Watching for Moon, my Lost Budgie
Photo Credit: Donna Pool

As I sit and write I play budgie sounds and soothing music while I watch the loneliness of Sky watching for Moon. We lost Moon over a week ago by an accident. As I watch her watch for him I am reminded we all watch and wait for something. In grief we watch and wait for the hurting to stop. As parents and grandparents we watch the struggles of our children and grandchildren and wait expectantly for the right help at the right time. In a desperate attempt to drown out a crazy day or even an unfulfilling life, we saturate our eyes and minds with TV, social media, phone texts, and endless gaming. It’s never enough, though, because it doesn’t sate the deep recesses of our mind, heart, and spirit.

In watching our animals words are not spoken, but emotions are felt. It’s the same as with Holy Spirit who watches and waits for the opportunity to heal, guide, give understanding, save from disaster, and give the gift of love and safety. Sometimes watching and waiting is silent. No words, No sounds, and No overthinking; just watching and waiting is all that is needed sometimes, and, of course, patience.

Are you watching for Holy in the midst of your life? Watching is not all sad for as believers we know there is always hope in Divine’s timing. Sometimes it just takes longer than we are willing to give, but always know you can step back into Holy Mercy, Grace, and Love at any given moment. What Are You Watching in your life today?

Sky has finally started to chirp and fly and play again. It just took some time. I’ve prayed for her daily and when she turns her precious little head to stare at me it’s like she knows I’ve felt her hurt. All will be well. It will be well for you too. Don’t give up, and take care of what you watch!

“Listen! The ones who watch and wait are crying out AND laughing for joy… the Eternal one has brought comfort…” Isaiah 52:8

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