
Like the pull of the ocean tides by the moon and the sun, everything in creation is tied to the refining fire of God. The Phoenix is indicative of Christ’s resurrection and rising from the ashes of death.

Yes, Jesus bore the refining process of the cross to rise up and defeat death.

As believers, we, too, will be refined, purified in our lives so that we can leave the sin in the ashes and rise up to become a better Christ follower on earth as we make our way towards heaven.

Spiritual growth and accomplishing missions are not easy undertakings. Change is hard. Uncertainty, illness, job loss, setbacks in injuries, monetary struggles, and relationship battles are all intertwined with God’s refining fire.  As we struggle to raise our Christ like standards in the midst of these earthly hardships, we must maintain our hope.

Spiritual transformation involves sacrifice, self-denial – dying to one’s self – so as to be born anew from the ashes of our former life through that refining, purifying fire of the Holy Spirit. This is your certainty.

Let the Holy Spirit begin that transformation in you today. You will rise up again. Do not give up.

Call out to Jesus, right where you are in this crazy life on earth. It is time to rise.

I will put the third part (remnant) into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name and I will answer them; I will say, ‘They are my people,’ and they will say, ‘The Lord is our God’ Zechariah 13:9

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