Time to Sing

Mary Oliver

As the worry over the holiday gifts, gatherings, hustle and bustle fades it’s time to lay the worry to rest for good. This time to live. Listen as the Doves coooo…

Mary didn’t worry over what people would think of her. She just said yes to God and went on with embracing this gift of life as a treasure. The angels sang…. They still sing….

Worry takes the Joy out of living and the songs out of our spirit. Life is not meant to be lived this way. Time is a gift of life.

There will always be something or someone to worry about; no room at the inn, job loss, marriage over, overdoses, suicides,, children,, decisions, healing for loved ones…. Worry is never a solution. It is an all consuming drag on our souls that scars our hearts. Worry is empty, powerless, and does nothing. Empty nothingness does not sing.

Take time to sing Holy praises in thankfulness and watch your worries fly away. Singing creates worship in our hearts that heals the scars one by one…

“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?” Luke 22:25

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