Time To Cherish

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Let this Christmas entreaty us to reflect on the awe inspiring event of birth and how to help not harm the living, the helpless, the families, the women, the sex trafficked children, the abused, the homeless, the addict, and the uncherished. Look for those moments of great wonder that happen everyday throughout the year, not just at Christmas. Ponder your role on earth as a spiritual being housing the very Spirit of God. Cherish life’s sweetness for horror lurks and shows up just around the corner. Don’t let it destroy. Seize the Faith and hold it Close. Be the portal of Grace and Human decency this world needs right now. Be empowered by God’s greatness and Shine on like the precious jewel that you are!

“…She is far more precious than jewels…” Proverbs 31:10 ESV

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