That Thin Line

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” Do nothing from selfish ambition or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his/her own interests, but also consider the interests of others.” Philippians 2:3,4

Pay attention to who you listen to in your circle of life. Are family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, groups, leaders in the world Confident but Kind? Do they put you or others in hard situations first even though tough decisions must be made in order to restore order? Even when you disagree, do you still trust that the person(s) has your best interest at heart? Many times Rules, Discipline, Standing up for what we believe puts us at odds, but knowing that you are still loved when all is said and done makes the hardship bearable and you can learn from it. All of these are the measures of Humility. You can be certain these are your people; those who end it with a smile not a smirk!

We all walk that thin line when arguments get heated, we feel treated unfairly, don’t trust the situation or people/leaders/friends…. It might seem easier to control the crowd and is even seen by many as a form of quality leadership discipline. Those who cross over into an attitude of superiority with an overbearing manner, presume to know what you need without asking, and assume they know best without hearing you out will move quietly toward arrogance. Before we know it we are selfishingly passing blame, pointing fingers of accusations, and smirking that “I know more and better than you” conceited attitude. Let’s all work really hard to catch ourselves at the line! Don’t cross over it. Remain Confident with a Smile and let your Humility Shine!