Rooted in Faith

When your faith is deeply rooted in the Word, Prayer, a close Relationship with Jesus, and Songs of the Father in Heaven, you can withstand the winds of destruction. These roots of stability grow, enabling off shoots of wisdom, perseverance, awakened enlightenment, and confidence in God’s promises. It is here that we become grounded in God’s truths and not uprooted by the passing wind of lies planted by the enemy.

If we are not watering the roots of faith daily, then we simply allow the roots of bitterness, anger, doubt, fear, upheaval, and giving up to grow instead. Pretty soon, those unhealthy roots become predominant in our lives, weakening our faith. We begin questioning our abilities, doubting the promises in the Word, and before we know it, we’ve fallen for the lies of this world.

Make no mistake. It is very easy to allow the unhealthy roots to take over in a world that physically and emotionally pushes our buttons. It is seen. Whereas faith is deeply rooted within our spirit. It is felt. It is an internal belief system of roots. If we allow the roots of our faith to slowly shrivel and die, we give over to death by fear instead of life freely given by the selfless act of Jesus.

How are you withstanding the storms of these times in your life? Are your faithful roots deep and growing? Today is the day to begin or continue watering the roots of your faith.

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