
Do you believe that the Lord your God is with you through thick and thin? Think back over your life. Seek the memories of those God moments, God-sends, and living angels who crossed your life path in your wildest, darkest, and trying times. 

God is ever present and everlasting. Hold onto that. Holy is holding on to you.

When you feel like you are drowning in lifes sea of chaos, obstacles, drama, hardships, and unexpected occurences, remember God commanded the whale to spew Jonah out onto the sand. His purpose was not complete. And even though Jonah was running away from God, God went after him anyway. Jonah 2

Remember Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who were thrown into the fire because of their faith. There was a fourth person in that fire protecting them from burning = Jesus. All three came out of the fire unharmed.  Daniel 3:8-18

Remember Daniel in the Lions den who experienced the appearance of an angel calming the animals.  He was thrown in the lions den to be eaten as punishment for praying to God when it had been banished from the kingdom. Instead of being eaten alive, he walked out of there unscathed.  Daniel 6:6-23

Remember Jesus who died and was resurrected by God to save all who Believe. Luke 24

You are not alone. Do life with God. Your hardships will still come by as satan is always working to pull us away from our faith, what we believe, and tempt us with our greatest lure. But God is there, in the midst of it all.

Seek Holy every day. Be a living angel to others who God sends in your path.

Miracles still happen.

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