Release It All

Prayer of Release
Credit: Unknown

Some days, when we try to carry all of the burdens surrounding our lives alone, we become overwhelmed, weighed down, and unable to function in life effectively. Sometimes this leads to depression, addictions, anxiety, and even an overly fearful attitude of just giving up. But, Hope comes if we ask for help and hold on. When we don’t even know what to pray, God knows our hearts. So, Pray away your burdens and Release them all to the Father. If you’re unsure how to do that Pray the Prayer of Release . No, it doesn’t mean relinquishing our responsibilities. It does mean we have One who cares deeply about our lives, who will step in and lead the way if we just ask, One who will cast all the negative away and replace it with something good. I am Thankful for that. Give the Divine within A Try. The One Who Knows Before WE ASK.

Credit: Unknown

Release Your Burdens, Cast Your Cares, Claim Your Calm by Praying For it All. Then Pray for someone else you know is having a difficult time in life and even share this Prayer of Release. Do It Right Now!

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