Pretends to Be God

Satan can confuse, trick, lie, deceive, anyone into pretending to be God of themselves. It’s called self-worship. It is not real love. God wants to develop our self-worth. It is real love. Christians are particularly at risk of buying into satans self as love, especially when they are a devout church goers.

Stay aware.

It is the only way to deepen your faith in the power and saving grace of God in your life, for when you are more aware you will begin seeing just how much God protects, saves, helps, and lifts you up. Jesus is your friend to be engaged with in everything you do.

What lacks that puts us all at high risk of falling into demonic traps is either not ever developing or not fully believing in that personal relationship with Jesus by relying on God and Holy Spirit guidance over and above ourselves. It is an everyday commitment. A tad of biblical knowledge is dangerous to your wellbeing, faith life, prayer life, and living daily in general because you become overwhelmed by the world and the sins of the flesh win. It is shallow faith, which leads to a deceiving kind of love.

Today is your day to turn that around and deepen your Faith in the Love of God. It takes daily effort.

Relationship with your creator God is a daily commitment like marriage, career, and child rearing, especially teenagers, and should be developed with the same passion as you do with your favorite hobby. It should be first on your list every day. This is truly the only way to understand the depth of love God has for each of us and to be able to truly love God back when everything around is great and when it falls apart. Deep unrelenting faith in God sustains us to the point of not engaging in worldly stuff even though we desire it. Do not be deceived by Satan anymore.

Stop pretending or playing at being in love with God. It’s time to get serious about it. Yes, genuine Love is the key to unrelenting Faith. Shalom

Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no wonder that his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. In the end, they will get the punishment their wicked deeds deserve. 2 Corinthians 11:14,15

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