Power of God

What kind of power does God have in your life? Are you able to relinquish every detail, everything, and every person in your life to God? Without a deep and abiding faith in the omnipotent power of God, it is fairly impossible to do. In our humanness, we tend to allow the tangible to outweigh the unseen. As we begin to second guess, overthink, and ruminate over our confusion, we unknowingly allow the enemy to diminish the unseen power of God. Awareness of this game satan plays in our minds is the first step in the ability of restructuring our thoughts to focus on our faith instead of what the enemy would have us believe.

Stand firm in the confidence of your faith. Faith always defeats, and the power of God is always present. Choose which one you listen to wisely. Satan is worldly. God is the ultimate authority over all things in heaven and on earth. That is power!

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