
Do you have the peace of God? Or do you have the world’s definition of peace? God’s peace is actually an action word of faith. It speaks of the ability to experience wholeness and contentment even while in the worldly throes of grief, setbacks, chaos, discomfort, difficult people, or disappointment.

The peace of Christ is not simply finding inner peace and tranquility. It is much deeper, lasts longer, and remains constant. No spa treatment, fishing trip, quiet surroundings, walk around the block, sunny beach, or just getting enough sleep compares. While these are wonderful treats that can enhance Holy Peace, it’s not powerful enough to sustain. We still have to return to the realities of our individual world and function amid evil pursuits, enemy lines, and people determined to create havoc.

God’s peace goes to the depth of our soul and provides sustenance when all hell is breaking loose around us. To live that peace firmly out in our lives takes a deep faith. It is found in the Holy Spirit, Word, Prayer…….

Today, as opportunities arise, share your deep peace of God with the very ones disrupting your peace, leading them to find that peace for themselves. SHALOM

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