PRAY Attention

man, profile, practice
  • P – Pause & Clarify
  • R – Reflect & Renew
  • A – Affirm & Discern
  • Y – Yield & Enlighten

If we assign a P (PRAYER) over each one of the things that grasps our attention throughout each day, utter a prayer over it, and keep going, by the end of the day we will have spent the whole day in touch with the Divine God of the universe!

” (Jesus said) Behold I give you the power to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, even so that nothing whatever hurts you.” Luke 10:19 (NIV)


It’s not easy to concentrate when times are uncertain, we don’t know if what we are hearing is the truth, or we are just plain exhausted from trying to survive another day bombarded by busyness, chaos, and juggling too many things. In these times we are living in it is important for us to pay attention to what resonates in a good, positive, truthful way in our hearts. Perhaps in our fear of the unknown we become numb like the sting of a scorpion so that we don’t even make the time to be present in the moment in order to discern the Truth. Being Present in the Moment takes practice. Life is a balancing act of work, family, chores, school, hobbies, people, exercise, and eating healthy with sickness, crisis, unexpected events, and aggravations thrown in to stir things up. Within your day, where do you put time spent with the Divine? How do you balance the good, bad, ugly, lies, and find TRUTH? Are you present each moment? Or, are you numb from the many scorpion encounters throughout your day?

He is present with each of us every minute of the day and night for His Holy Spirit lives within. Numbness and Exhaustion don’t end the day; Clarity and Power win the race.

How is Your Balance?

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