Patience and Promises

How long have you waited for a promise God gave you to come to fruition? So long that you’ve given up hope? I think of Abraham in his old age, patiently waiting for the promise God gave him and Sarah of an heir to birth nations. It was 25 years from the time God gave them the promise until Isaac was born. In this fast-paced world we live in today, I would say if we don’t see the promise come in a short period of time, we question whether we really heard the promise from God and allow it to fade from our mind. I would love to know how they, Abraham and Sarah, kept that promise alive in their minds and hearts all that time. What were their sustaining habits, conversations, thoughts, and prayers? How did Sarah work through her jealousy of Hagar bearing Abrahams firstborn son, Ishmael?

There is so much more to the story and many unanswered questions in my mind. However, the point of understanding, I believe, is not in the details of their everyday lives and troubles. The focus is on their deep faith in God, willing patience, and His kept promises. This is what truly matters in our life today, as well.

What has God promised you? Do not give up on it. God keeps His promises. It is always in His timing. We must be prepared to patiently wait and not get caught up in the distractions of our everyday lives.

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