Out of Control

There are things in our daily lives that require us to organize, orchestrate, and control. We choose how to make it to work on time, what to eat, whether to watch TV or read a book. Many things, however, are out of our control; governmental decisions, earthquakes far away, evil cruelty against humanity, death. Yet, our faith is not turning a blind eye to the real, hardcore issues that are removed from our own little world with an attitude that “God will handle it”. No, real faith is not that superficial. Nor is it an emotion based on worry, anxiety, fear, or over analyzing.

Faith is an action word. It is knowing deep within your soul that the God who created you and the universe is in control of it all. It is trusting the Divine order of life and remaining faithful even when Holy timing and Holy will are not making sense. It is Praying without ceasing for situations, people, and worldly issues that are out of our control, but not out of Divine control. It is fasting and praying. It is praying with heartfelt sincerity interceding in the Courts of Heaven for Jesus to intervene. It is joining with others in prayer, worship, song, and fellowship to encourage each other, weep together, and hold each other up. In a world that is out of control, there are circumstances, places, people, and wrong doings that only God can be in control of and faith stirs our hearts to pray for victory in Jesus name.

Faith is a choice. It is, many times, not for the faint of heart. It carries with it a certain amount of responsiblity in the way we live, conduct business, interact with one another, and how we treat the dirty, the addict, the homeless, the less fortunate. Standing firm in faith is hard day to day when sickness strikes, death surrounds, and uncertain futures are derailed by loss. It is perhaps hardest when you know Gods justice is coming. But, your Faith reminds you that Holy is a God of fairness, love, compassion, and kindness. It reminds you that even though life might get really uncomfortable, painful, even unbearable, the God of Hope seeks you, watches over you, and faithfully plans for a better future for those who faithfully remain in Him. His timing is everything and His will prevails.

What is your choice today? ×To spiral out of control with the rest of the world in self indulgence, seeking business deals and money at all costs, sacrificing the innocent for pleasures and cruel power? ☆ Or Faithfully trusting the only one who is really in control no matter what is going on around you (and in the world), and living a life that demonstrates your faith and trust?

Isaiah 24 & 25

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