Mother Earth Said AHHH!

nature conservation, responsibility, world
Photo Credit: Nature Conservation – Pixabay

I was diagnosed with Pulmonary Sarcoidosis over 5 years ago. Many days I wake up struggling to breathe as this chronic disease not only enables the body to grow granulomas that take up space in my lungs, but it also allows my lungs to stiffen at times. Today was one of those days. As I was talking to Jesus this morning about this burden I was reminded that I had rather abused my physical body lately by pushing too hard for things that don’t really matter in the end. I pondered that for a few minutes realizing, as humans, we are driven to perform, succeed, produce, and provide even if it means to the detriment of our physical bodies and the destruction of Mother Earth.

The times we currently live in begs each of us to Stop and re-think how we have lived life up to this point. As the world pulls back, jobs are furloughed, and societies shelter in place. Humanity has taken a pause. I have noticed lately that people have been posting pictures on social media of beautiful, unseen views from around the globe noting that mountains are now seen from cities, oceans are seen from far distances, and star trails glimmer brightly in the clear sky. The smog has lifted and contrails have lessened. What beauty we miss when pollution clouds our vision. It is evident we humans have abused our power with Mother Earth. While we wrestle with the health problem, job loss, business foreclosure, food / necessity rations, and restricted travel, Mother Earth is taking advantage of this time to reset. Let’s join her in the much needed respite from the constant barrage of unhealthy living, pollution, and needless waste. Maybe it’s time to map out a less stressed version our own life; A time to heal.

Perhaps it’s time for us to clear the fog away from our minds and open our eyes to the deeper meaning here. Jesus reminded me this season we are in is the perfect time to begin a new life in Him, seek better self care for health, and do our part to help heal Mother Earth. This means different things for different people. Pray and ask Jesus to show you what this means for you Today and He will take it from there! It’s a lifestyle. Embrace the commitment.

Mother Earth
Photo Credit: Pixabay

Where do You need Healing Today?

“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched – this we proclaim concerning the Word of Life.” 1 John 1:1

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