“Let Your Fire Fall and Cast Out All My Fear…”
Donna Pool – His Way does not own any rights to this music/lyric video
“…He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire (of life in the Spirit).” Matthew 3:11 (ESV)
Remember a few days ago when I posted about the Fibonacci (spiral) Sequence (that show’s up in nature and our cells), and how Moses built the Ark of the Covenant (God’s indwelling) to house the 10 Commandments based on God’s instructions using this mathematical sequence? This Tabernacle (tent) housed the law of the presence of God symbolizing Moses’ great encounter with God at the burning bush of FIRE! The people carried God with them through the wilderness to freedom for 40 years until King Solomon built the temple in Jerusalem to give the traveling tabernacle of God a permanent home. It is thought it remained there for 400-440 years. The Babylonians destroyed the temple and it is a mystery where the Ark of the Covenant ended up (look for the future blog post on that) ….. Fast forward to Jesus and there’s the connection! In John 7 you will read that Jesus and the people made their pilgrimage to gather together at the temple in Jerusalem for 8 days (7 days of feasting + 1 day of offering) to remember and celebrate at the Feast of the Tabernacle (the feast of the final harvest).
What began as God dwelling with the people in the sacred tent they carried around with them culminated with the life, mission, teachings, offering, Word, and Sacrifice of Jesus who spoke that while His physical body would go the Holy Spirit would descend upon the people. And it happened 50 days after His resurrection. God would, then, and still does, indwell within each of us with His Holy Spirit.
ONE week from today we celebrate the birth of the church both outwardly and inwardly in what is called The Feast of Pentecost (first fruits given). For the coming week listen for how the Holy Spirit beckons you to connect, what changes to make to have a deeper relationship with the Divine Creator personally, what to remove from your life and what to embrace, and how God needs for the church to move forward from this point in time on. Have No Fear.
All Are welcome; All Can Receive it! Let the Holy Fire Fall!
“He makes His messengers winds, His ministers a flaming fire.” Psalm 104:4 (ESV)