Let it All Go

It is in the letting go you allow God to show you the bigger picture. Hanging on for dear life, controlling every move, or clinging out of fear never produces the outcome we expect. Sometimes, we have to be willing to leap off the cliff in faith, knowing that the breath of God will carry us on His winds of provision, protection, and safety. It is scary. It will take your breath away many times. Yet, it will be the best, most peaceful decision you can make. A weight will be lifted, and you will feel wildly free.

Trusting God is the key. Rise above whatever it is in your life right now that’s weighing you down. Give it to God. Let it go; all of it. Pray, but let it go. It is time to soar and let God take over.

Be patient. Stop worrying. Worry never accomplishes anything, never changes anything, nor does it solve problems. It will, however, take your peace, the ability to discern God-given decisions, to think clearly, and can make you physically sick. Worry is of this world and not of God. It leads directly to fear, anxiety, and falling into the depths of satans grasp. Which do you choose? Soaring high with God in control or falling for the lie of concern in the name of worry?

Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

I’m waiting on the Lord! He is completely committed to us and in it for the long haul. When God is that committed to me, how can I not be that committed to trusting in His Plan, His Will, His Way!

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