Love Beyond My Fear

Divine meets each of us at our crossroads in our prayers. One of the hardest things to do in our Spirit led life is to pray through our fears so we can reflect Holy love to All. Our fear of anything holds us back in life, creates distrust, and ties up relationships with conditions. Fear of being alone is stifling. In reality, we are never alone for Holy lives within; activate Holy Today! Fear upsets life’s finely tuned balance so that who we are created to become in life never comes to fruition. Seek Balance in Divine Today! Fear depletes to the point of withering, giving up, not knowing our worth in His eyes, and holds us captive to the enemy. This is not how Divine intends for us to live. My favorite line in this Lakota Prayer sums up everything Holy wants for us “…so that I may enter my sacred space (with Divine Creator) and love beyond my fear and thus walk in balance…”.

In your prayers today seek Divine ways to overcome everything that is creating fear within and around you. Ask Holy to guide you towards reflecting His love through you to all and thereby releasing your fears to the wind. Divine’s Love is the only Perfect Love.

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18.

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