Know the Way

Do you know the way? Holy Spirit lives within to show us the way. When we allow it to remain dormant because we are too proud to make the choice to live by holiness, we live for self, control, power, or superiority. That is not the way.

As a believer, our inner voice is in direct connection with Jesus’ Holy Spirit. We must ask it to come alive, guide, direct, give advice, and show us the right way in order to be able to silence the distractions of this world on a daily basis. It is our choice.

Do not settle for the ways of this world. Rise above the noise and settle into the promise of Jesus.  He appeared to the disciples after He rose from death and gave them the Holy Spirit.

He breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” Luke 24:49

All are born with the breath of God, Yahweh, within. It is our connection to God. Nurture that Holy Spirit within daily so that your Holy life drowns out this world’s life that is determined to drag you down.

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