Joseph Warned

Just as Joseph was given the full angel story in a dream to marry Mary, God sent a warning dream to him in Bethlehem. He paid attention! He believed! He saved his family through his belief in the mysterious communications from his Holy Father.

An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him. Matthew 2:13

Pay attention to your messages from the angels of God. They can save your life.

From the moment He was born, Jesus was a threat to the deceptive kings. His adult life consisted of moving around up until his appointed time given to Him by God. All the while, he spread the good news of God, healing the sick, performing miracles, teaching the people, and mentoring the disciples.

The babe, born in a manger, lived to save. His earthly father, Joseph, set that tone in His life from birth. Our Father in heaven does the same for us on earth, but we must pay attention to His signs, dreams, visions, nature, and others sent into our lives by Divine provisions.

Seek your God dreams, write them down, search the scriptures, pray for discernment, let nature speak, and prepare to awaken. You will be enlightened to your Holy within.

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