At the heart of forgiveness is our attitude. Do we trust God enough to heal our very being when we are hurt by those we love the most?
It is about God, not ourselves. Peter was the only one on the boat who trusted Jesus enough to get out of the boat and onto the water. Yet, when the distraction of the wind whipped up, Peter lost focus on Jesus, gave in to fear, and sank into the water. Trust is hard. Satan has fingers in everything in our lives. Don’t lose focus on Jesus.
Jesus did not walk away from Peter. Throughout Peter’s life spent with Jesus, he would mess up more than just this time. Jesus stayed. Jesus taught. Jesus forgave time and time again, just like He does with each of us, over and over.
Peter came to Jesus and asked how many times shall I forgive others when they sin against me? Up to 7 times? Jesus answered, “I tell you, not 7, but 77 times”… Shouldn’t you have mercy on your fellow servant (family, friends, acquaintances, anybody who wrongs you) just as I had on you? This is how my heavenly Father treats each of us; you forgive from your heart. Matthew 18.
Forgiveness is an attitude of the heart of God within. It is not a decision based upon emotions, feelings, fear, judgment, or an expectation of reciprocation we may never receive. We forgive as many times as it takes, meaning, as many times as Jesus says to.
There is Power in the name of God, the name of Jesus, and the name of Holy Spirit. Trust that to lead you to a heart of forgiveness.