Hang On!

Every turn seems to give us that feeling we are barely hanging on some days. It is rather frightening. One slip of the tongue and a relationship is ruined. One stumble into the wrong place and addiction is born again. One more unpaid bill strangles the life out of rest and relaxation. I am thankful that, even within the hardships of life, there is one who looks out for me and pulls me up when I sink too low. That faith and trust alone in a Divine higher power is life sustaining, even on the worst days. It is a beckoning to “hang on” your time is coming. Be patient. Don’t give up. Hold on tight. In the meantime, Holy sends angels in the form of friends, horses, other animals, beautiful sunsets, and flashes of light as reminders that we are not forgotten. It becomes easier to hold on then. We are refreshed with greater resolve and our grip becomes tighter.

What are you holding onto these days? If it’s bitterness, anger, fear, addiction, or relationship betrayal you cannot sustain your “barely holding on” alone for very long before you come crashing down. Reach out to the Holy One who is waiting to grab hold and sustain you in hard times with strength, courage, faith, and well being no matter what is going on around you. Divine will send you friends to uphold you, pray for and with you, hold you, cry with you, and celebrate your successes. You don’t have to hold on alone. Ask for help! Ask for Divine guidance! Ask for provisions! Jesus will hoist you up higher than you can fathom with a perseverance that is life sustaining. Hold on; help is coming in Jesus name.

“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13

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