Saturating your soul and mind with the Word of God is one simple method to create a boundary against satan’s plethora of lies and deception. Know His Word for yourself. Do the work, put in the effort, and seek Holy Spirit meaning. The issue at hand will be distractions from doing that, which is satan keeping you contained in the worldly court instead of you flourishing in the heavenly court. Mindless scrolling, sexual music lyrics, abusive TV and movies, playing endless phone games, plus so many other things of the world that take precedent over spending time with God and learning His Word allows for more chaos, disruptions, and instability in life.
I am guilty of some of these same things, but I have realized that I am much more at peace with what’s going on in my life when I forego the worldly chatter and settle in with God, Daily. There is a calming influence that takes over. It is healing no matter what is going on around me. Mind you, I’ve failed many times, but I know the Holy Spirit is present now and have learned to return to it over and over. God takes me back, Jesus intercedes in the Courts of Heaven, and the Holy Spirit says,’Come on, let’s get back to it’.
Take back your life from the enemy. Learn the Word for yourself, hear the Word in the presence of community, and live the Word in your everyday life. Let that be where your focus lands time and time again. Holy is waiting for you.
For you may fall away seven times and rise up again: but the wicked will fall into mischief (moving farther and farther away from morality, stability, peace, and holiness) Proverbs 24:16