Ebb and Flow

There is an ebb and flow of life that we must embrace in order to not remain staid and stagnant in one place, mindset, or way. Nothing stays the same. The earth is in continuous motion on its axis, sunrises differ, sunsets offer a wide range of colors, the moon pulls the ocean back and forth, and humans strive to survive. While our careers change, relationships blossom and fall apart, loved ones die, babies are born, kids leave home, or stay, are we embracing the journey in a purposeful way? The company you keep while on your journey is just as important as your purpose. Choose your company wisely. They can either make your journey fun or keep you stuck in the same mode of survival. Know your purpose.

We are created for the ebb and flow of life. If you feel stuck, staid, complacent, or so overwhelmed in your circumstances, you give up, then you’ve arrived at the survival only destination. You are most likely feeling like you have no real purpose in life, like a failure, and/or do not know how to unlock purposeful adventure mode. Your journey is stuck on pause. The enemy and this world are perfectly fine with you staying on pause. However, you were not created for the pause but for the journey. It is important for your relationship with the Divine creator of this world you live in daily to seek and find your purpose, then become part of the ebb and flow of life.

At daybreak, Jesus went out to a solitary place. The people were looking for him and when they came to where he was, they tried to keep him from leaving them. But he said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” Luke 4:42, 43

Are you embracing your life as a journey, or do you have the mindset that you’ve arrived?

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