Divine Sees us Through

Many seasons in my lifetime Holy has seen me through. It is one of many reasons why I believe and have faith in the unseen spiritual work, plan, and Divine order that surrounds life. If there has ever been a time we need to keep going it is now; this very day. We may not see the details, but Holy does. We may not understand yet, but Holy does. We may not know outcomes, but Holy does. We cannot give up. The Grace, Mercy, Strength, Perseverance, and Determination of Christ lives within to hold us up in times like these. It is sufficient. Bask in His light, Pray in His name, and give it all to the Holy One. At the same moment you will be renewed and revitalized.

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. Luke 18:1

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