Divine Mirror

Horses will reflect our mood back to us. I’ve even had horses who hugged me with their head and neck when sensing sadness or fear. I love to just watch how each one wants to interact with me as i stand in their pastureand just wait for who decides to come. I can usually begin to notice what I’m feeling within myself by each horses mannerisms and actions. I have one horse I don’t dare ride if I’m feeling weak, tired, sick, or not quite up to par for she will pull every trick in the book that day to be the alpha mare of our little 2 spirits herd. Yet, she’s the one who reflects my inner emotions and workings the most. She is like a divine mirror. We listen to each other. We trust each other in many ways. She is brutally honest. I am thankful and respectful. I see this as a gift. If I walk away or hurry to just get to riding, many precious opportunities of self reflection and checking in on how the horse is feeling is lost. Time is not wasted when I slow down, listen, and react according to our mutual understanding.

Do you ever notice these things with your animals? Or are you on such a tight schedule that there isn’t enough time to just stop and be present for a while in the presence of your horse, dog, cat, bird….

Doing this will help you learn to make time to be present with God to hear Him speak through His Word. His Word is the divine mirror that teaches you about God’s character, Holiness, reflects your inner emotions, imparts wisdom, nurtures your spirit, and leads you to green pastures with flowing rivers of healing waters.

Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. James 1:23-24

Make time for God, your animals, your family, and your community. Seek the reflection of Divine in their eyes.

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