Deep Connection

Credit Unknown

Animals, cats, dogs, horses, birds, pigs, chickens, etc., have an extraordinary way to show love, affection, bark warnings of danger, kiss your soul with a gentle lick, and an unconditionally connection to us humans without uttering a spoken word. This is the closest example to deep connection with Holy you will find. It resonates deep within in mysterious ways that produces a knowing that is unexplainable.

Hug your animals today and they will hug you back with unspoken love, eyes of pure adoration, and feelings of acceptance. Embrace that and open your heart to Holy Spirit so that it comes alive within you with ever breath you take. Accept the love, heed the warnings of danger, find your peace today.

“Jesus told him (Thomas the doubter), “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” John 20:29

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