Character Assessment

Daughter of a King
Photo Credit: Pinterest

What do you think of when you assess the character of a person? Aren’t there certain attributes like trust and honesty that you look for when buying something of value from someone? And, how about those internal feelings you get when you first meet someone or walk into a crowded room? Good vibes, Bad feeling, Safe, Dangerous, Loved……..? How about God? What do you think about that Divine Spirit who lives inside all of us?

God gave biblical festivals or Feasts to teach the people about who He is, the nature of His faithfulness, His Character, and in order to convey the plan for saving all people to live eternally in Heaven. God went to great efforts to show the people of Egypt He would take care of them in the wilderness by giving them tangible sources from which to draw conclusions about His very nature. From encountering Moses at the Burning Bush, giving the Tablets of Law, parting the Red Sea, Manna from Heaven, Protection in the Fire for Daniel’s friends, using Esther’s prayers to free the people, giving Deborah the song of victory, healing Job, to giving old women children, He worked to show His character and the true meaning of life. But, humans seemed to get it all wrong over and over focusing on the negative, complaining, selfishness. Then He sent Jesus. Jesus, the Savior who came as a human to teach us how to live, pray, love, treat one another with kindness, heal, to embrace a life of purpose, mission, commitment, and servanthood. Jesus even taught us about endurance, suffering, pain, timing, and betrayal that surrounded His tortuous death as well as the joy of waiting as His death was accompanied by a supernatural rising up. Victory! Since the beginning of time God has worked hard to show us humans how much love He has for each of us.

Yet, many still ignore His character traits and choose to rely solely upon things of this earthly world to decide whether or not to trust or even believe in God. Religious affiliation, human behavior errors, cultural and peer pressure, mistreatment of children by trusted church staff members and society, feeling unworthy of love due to addiction, or abusive parental upbringing all are many times factored against God just because these humanistic circumstances cloud our vision of who He really is within us.

Take a moment TODAY to assess FOR YOURSELF the character traits of who God is to YOU personally. Just You and God, Today!

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