
If we are willing to explore and accept who God created us to be as individuals, belonging to things of this world are less important than embracing ourselves as fully belonging to God. It truly feels like a dark wilderness even to just step out in faith. From the wilderness of addiction, illness, self harm, depression, and grieving loss to feeling the sting of clicks, raising children alone, dealing with the trauma of unfair treatment it is a lonely scary place to walk and nobody else really understands. However, when we walk through the wilderness with God, whatever yours may be, we are never alone, we know who we belong to, and who stands with us.

We might like to think we are more sophisticated in our thinking and way of living today, but we humans are still the same as the rescued ones who God saved through Moses. They grumbled, complained, got scared, felt fed-up, couldn’t control anything, didn’t belong to any one place anymore, and emotions drove their reactions. Rather than turning to the only one who cared, Holy, they instead made up worldly stuff to occupy their longings thinking anything tangible would satisfy what they were looking for inside. Staying distracted is still the way of today’s world. The enemy wants to keep us in the mode of living.

My longing is to be brave enough to accept myself for who I am in God’s eyes, courageous enough to flourish in untamed territory while accepting God’s help (Holy controls it all anyway), and stand alone in the presence of the most sacred. What is your longing?

And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, in which she is to be nourished for 1,260 days. Revelation 12:6

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